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Complete and reliable information on allergens in food

Our ideals

In an ideal world, product information on the label would perfectly match the food product. Unfortunately, information is not always 100% accurate. The majority of food recalls worldwide are due to inadequate allergen information. SimplyOK assist food companies and retailers in achieving complete, reliable and clear allergen information on food products by enhancing their allergen management practices and reducing food recalls.

Our plan

SimplyOK fully understands the complexity of allergen management. To truly assist food bussiness operators, the SimplyOK Development Program has been created.

How can SimplyOK help you?

The SimplyOK Development Program offers a clear overview of your current situation and provides practical guidance on how to improve your allergen management. The SimplyOK Development Program supports all aspects of an allergen management plan, based on the five basics of allergen management. This program is designed for production sites of food business operators committed to continuous improvement or ongoing compliance with all SimplyOK requirements. The Development Program identifies areas for improvement through the SimplyOK Check executed by a pool of trained reviewers, providing a report with objective results and actions.


After a specified period, the next SimplyOK Check will be conducted, with the timing depending on the level of compliance with the SimplyOK Code of Practice. Companies participate in the Development Program for a minimum of three years. Participating companies may communicate their involvement and use the “SimplyOK Membership Community Logo.” Additionally, one representative from each participating company can attend the SimplyOK Seminar free of charge once a year. However, it is possible to utilize the SimplyOK Check without participating in the Development Program. This option is an excellent way to identify potential improvements in allergen control at your location. It supports the company in realizing future enhancements. While the Development Program focuses on recurring SimplyOK Checks, a SimplyOK Check is a one-time supportive assessment.

SimplyOK Code of Practice

The SimplyOK Code of Practice Version 4 is issued January 2025.
This Code can be used by every food business operator, from farm to fork (also B2B).

Download Code of Practice version 4

What are the 5 basics?

The requirements on allergen management in SimplyOK are built on five basics. They are determined on the basis of years of experience and lessons learned from recall analysis. SimplyOK basics allergen management

Steps to our Development Program

Step 1

Determine the complexity your production site by using the free SimplyOK AMC (Allergen Management Complexity) Tool. Using the AMC tool, each production site is classified based on its allergen complexity into categories A, B, or C. Category A represents the least complex sites, while Category C represents the most complex. This classification is not a self-assessment or an evaluation of allergen management; it simply reflects the allergen complexity at the site. 

Step 2

Contact us for more information on the SimplyOK Development Program, rates or to schedule a visit for a SimplyOK Check.
Send request for more information

Step 3

After scheduling an appointment for the SimplyOK Check, our experienced reviewers will conduct the check on-site in one day. They will guide you through all elements of an allergen management systems, following the five basics and requirements of the Code of Practice.

Step 4

After the SimplyOK Check you will receive the SimplyOK Report, which provides a clear picture of which basics are already under control and which require your attention. The report explains in a practical way the necessary actions for the areas of improvement, so you know exactly what to work on. Food businness operators who have signed up for the Development Program will have a SimplyOK Check after 1, 2 or 3 years, depending on the quality of your allergen management.

The latest news!

Version 4 launched January 2025

Version 4 of the SimplyOK Code of Practice is released! The certification standard is transformed to a Development Program.